AIA New York’s annual Day of Service is an opportunity for architects to bring ideas to life for nonprofit organizations around the city, including much-needed upgrades to their facilities or assistance with their mission. Dattner Architects’ first year participating in Day of Service was a great success thanks to a tremendous group effort by the Dattner and Services for the UnderServed (S:US) team.
S:US is a leading NYC nonprofit with deep roots in the community, providing support for populations in need through both housing and counseling services. Their thriving Urban Farms program provides therapeutic horticulture, nutritional programming, and employment opportunities to the individuals they serve – through workshops, field experiences, and their network of community farms and garden spaces.
We partnered with S:US to make a series of improvements to their urban garden at the Marcy Hart residences in Brooklyn, NY. This garden is home to everything from beehives to a rice pond along with a wide array of garden beds and native plants.
Held on site on August 15, 2020, our goal was to help S:US realize a portion of their master plan for the Marcy Hart space. We are proud to say that we were able to rebuild raised garden beds, install new fencing, update patios and planting areas, and add our own bench/planter modules.
We are grateful that we were able to make such positive impacts for the Marcy Hart Farm and the many people who depend on and use this space! Thank you to everyone who donated their creativity, their labor, and funds.
“Beyond just being able to harvest their own fruits and vegetables, the Marcy Hart backyard is a little green oasis for the residents. You made it even more so.” – Minjung Park, Volunteer & Community Relations Manager, Services for the UnderServed (S:US)
“Dattner Architects partnership with S:US for our first year participating in the AIANY Day of Service was a successful, tremendous group effort. Coming together as a community to help others during this time of crisis was particularly meaningful.” Emily Trulson, Day of Service Leader, Dattner Architects
Be sure to join us on September 15 as we discuss the Marcy Hart project, including the collaborative process of design, material procurement, and implementation during AIA New York’s Day of Service: 2020 Program Highlights live webinar.