Celebrate Archtober with Dattner Architects!
Every October, Open House New York (OHNY) provides behind-the-scenes access to some of New York’s most important buildings, offering a unique opportunity to experience New York City as well and the people responsible for designing the built environment. As part of the 2019 annual OHNY Weekend, Dattner Architects will be providing a glimpse into two of our award-winning projects as well as opening our doors to the public for a behind-the-scenes look into our firm.
Saturday, October 19
Join us at our office on Saturday from 10:00am to 3:00pm! Our open studio tour will showcase decades of our work in NYC through recent photos taken by current employees. Select works-in-progress will also be on display, and visitors will have an opportunity to learn more about our firm culture, industry involvement, and commitment to professional development.
OHNY Weekenders who bring photos they have taken of a Dattner Architects’ project will receive a gift! Photos can also be emailed to info@dattner.com in advance or posted to Instagram with @DattnerArch tagged and #DattProject — but prizes are only available in person on the day of the open studio.
Sunday, October 20
The Manhattan Districts 1/2/5 Garage and Spring Street Salt Shed will be open for a glimpse into two unique award-winning municipal structures that play vital roles in the community infrastructure. Representatives from Dattner Architects, WXY, and the NYC Department of Sanitation will give guided tours to reserved guests, offering a look at how the city’s waste stream is managed and the other vital functions of these important community infrastructure facilities. This reserved tour is sold out.